Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Casey Anthony's Potential Book Deal

It's bad enough the prosecutors did a complete injustice to Caylee Anthony, but to further an already awful situation, there is now talk of Casey Anthony acquiring a book deal. As a ghostwriter for celebrities and public figures, I would not touch this book deal with a 3,000 mile long golden pen. But, when I saw an article on ABC's website about a potential book deal, I was compelled to read it. (Never mind that the article was listed under "Entertainment" and not "News"!)

But, there are literary agents and publishers who not only expect to see a book deal out of this catastrophe, but who would welcome it. One agent interviewed in the article is quoted as follows:

Konner said that it's "not impossible" to expect Anthony to get an advance between $750,000 and $1 million for her memoirs. On top of that, Anthony would receive a cut from the sales of the book. If a TV or film studio acquires the rights to it, she would profit even more.

I'm not the least bit surprised by this, just appalled. But, what's just as disturbing to me is how the concept of publishing and the way Casey Anthony would make money by writing a book is presented in this quote. The fact of the matter is, which is not made clear here, that Anthony (and her ghostwriter, who would likely receive a good percentage of the advance and royalties - and probably movie deal) need to earn out the advance before they get a "cut from the sales of the book."

I find it irresponsible to report that she could receive a hypothetical $750,000 to $1,000,000 advance and make it sound like the minute the first book sells, she's adding to her bank account. That's not how it works, and the proper term for "receiving a cut from the sales of the book" is called a "Royalty." Royalties are paid after the advance is met. So, any "on top of" means that Anthony's book will have to have sold a pretty darn good number of books before she sees more money. Ghostwriters can sometimes receive public credit for the works they pen (i.e. when there's a "with" credit), but often times ghostwriters barter for a larger percentage of advance and royalties with no public credit. Often the celebrity does not want any public credit given to the ghostwriter, so it's a moot point and the ghostwriter is under contract to not publicly disclose their clients.

In the case of Casey Anthony, I can't imagine any writer taking on this book and still being able to sleep at night and look at themselves in the mirror. And, if that many people want to read such a book, that's their prerogative. But, as a ghostwriter, I like getting my eight hours of uninterrupted sleep and working with clients who bring inspirational messages to could not pay me a million dollars to write Casey Anthony's book.

I'm proud to be a Californian where then have already enacted the Caylee Anthony Law!

Heather Hummel is a Celebrity Ghostwriter and the Author of GO BIKE & Other Signs from the Universe,  Gracefully: Looking and Being Your Best At Any Age, Whispers from the Heart and Write from the Heart. She has never smoked a cigarette or drank a cup of coffee. 
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Stacy S. Jensen said...

I keep telling folks to make their outrage clear by saying they will NOT buy it. It's nice to see that some writers are taking a stand to NOT write the book either.

michal said...

OH NO!!!!! That would be the worst!! SHE IS A LIAR and she will always be. There is nothing she can write that I would want to read!!! I will boycott anything Casey!!!

Tara C said...

I'm glad to hear from someone like you who is UNWILLING to work with her for ANY amount of cash. This book (if ever written and published) will be her version of OJ's "If I Did It". She knows she can't go back and be prosecuted for it. She is a waste of oxygen on this planet and should have rotted in jail. I'm embarrassed to tell people that I'm from Central Florida. She's got one large bounty on her head and I'll be surprised if she lasts long enough without another CRAZY person going out and killing her.

Unknown said...

Jeff and Linda tried..i don't think its fair to say they did her an injustice they tried their damn hardest to get Casey's more like the jury did her an injustice.

Anonymous said...

I'll never buy her book. I just hope that others do the same. It will be tempting to see what she lies about next, but I refuse to give her MY money!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This monster shouldn't profit off murdering her own daughter!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised but would never buy her book tellling her 'story'..she has done enough damage to her family with her unfounded accusations in court. Anyone who would profit from the death of their child is disgusting!!

Dawn said...

While I am glad to hear you would refuse to help Casey write a book, I too think its wrong of you to blame the prosecution for this injustice to Caylee. I think Jeff and Linda did the best with what they had. I think the jury and the rest of America have different perceptions on what "reasonable doubt" is. They had plenty to convict her of manslaughter. Reguardless, thank you for not contributing to Casey profiting from the death of her daughter. No doubt she will try. I won't be buying.....

Joy said...

not only will I not read her book but I will also not watch any movies she profits from or magazines who pay her (some of which are my favorites) until the stop letting her capitalize on the death of her little girl

doreen said...

I will never buy the book!

Mitzi said...

Well she shouldn't be counting her eggs before they hatch, the State of FL is filing a petition that any income she receives will be taxed to pay the State back for misleading police on a wild goose chase looking for her already dead daughter. The estimated cost the state incurred is over a million dollars so at least her first mil will be spoken for by the State.

charlie nitric said...

Hi Heather -

No matter how many say they will boycott Casey Anthony's book, a large percentage will eventually read it. Get ready because the media sensationalism has just begun. She will be on talk shows and give big dollar interviews, "60 Minutes" or "The View", perhaps. Many humans are intrigued by sensational "crap". So sad, yet so true. Thank you Heather. :)

BlackLabRVAdventures said...

This blog post has been read by thousands, including NBC, CBS, NASA (the day before the launch!), ESPN, Superior Court of California, celebrities, and several dozens of Universities. If the message isn't clear by now that no one wants her to have a book deal, then I don't know what else to say. But, I can't imagine what ghostwriter would stoop so low as to write her book for her. It's really in their hands - it can't be represented or published without a writer, and we all know she can't write her own book.

Judy said...

I will not buy any book, watch any TV show where she is a guest or support any venture she would profit from. Period. She cost taxpayers enough money, not counting all the wonderful people she watched search for Caylee, knowing all along she was already dead and in the swamp. She loves the media attention. Lets not give it to her.

Michael said... A site that offers quick links to these publishers to voice your opinion.

Unknown said...

This is a new low. Buying this book would prove what an advocate you are of such a horrible situation. This also goes for the publisher, writer(s) and anyone else trying to make gains from this. Can't anyone resist a buck to prove what we need so dearly to prove these days?

BlackLabRVAdventures said...

Thanks for all the feedback from everyone - it's unanimous that no one wants to see Casey Anthony get a book deal. So far, I haven't heard anymore word on her getting one, so maybe, just maybe, the outrage has been heard.

Anonymous said...

Heathwr, thank you for beinga voice of moraliy and compassion. I read tonight Anthony has earned her advance in the high 6 figures and has a ghost wrtier. We will NOT buy the book, nor read it from the library or watch any interview or movie. It is absolutely morally repugnant to let this prson profit. I wish that the wntertainment business would step in line with you and shun this story completely, and all the bottom feeders trying to get their pay day off of this baby's death as well. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

What can Casey Anthony or any of the Anthony's write that could possibly be interesting that hasn't been exposed by the media already?I think we all know what really happend to Caylee.Anything else added will be just another lie with intent of trapping people into reading her lame and boring life story, that really no one with a good functioning brain will be interested in waisting their time on. A movie of Casey Anthony or the Anthony's would be the same story in her book maybe even more distasteful and just full of more fiction.If I wanted to read or watch fiction I would do so by reading or watching a Stephen King's creation or simply watch the Sci-Fi channel.Maybe Casey Anthony should write how miraculously her and her family became known after being nobodies.However that still wouldn't bet interesting.

Conni Lashley said...

As co-administrator of the FACEBOOK page Boycott Casey Anthony et al which has over 100 dedicated members of different ages, ethnicities, backgrounds and professions, we applaud your decision for not touching a ghost-writing Casey book deal "with a 3000 mile-long golden pen." Comprised of people who prefer action to talk, our group is united in attempts to boycott any publishing/media/interview deals for Casey, her defense team and family, opposing any exploitation of young Caylee's tragic death. Hopefully, we are starting to make some headway. We admire your principled position which shows true courage and integrity.

BlackLabRVAdventures said...

@Conni - Thank you for your comments - and for joining my author fan page. I really appreciate the feedback I'm receiving from everyone. It's been very encouraging (and actually not too surprising) to read the outrage a potential book deal for Casey is causing. I normally don't "protest" actively, but this hit home for me both as a ghostwriter and due to the nature of the issue.
Thanks again, and I appreciate anyone who is compelled to share the link in order to keep it visible at the top of the Google searches. Thanks to one of my celeb clients for Tweeting it, it got there.